Training Demonstrations

After obtaining a password to use the NMR instruments, you may attend additional demonstrations.  They are all optional. Relevant user guides can be found in the document library.

Carbon 13 demo

This demonstration covers the following topics: tuning the probe, controlling the decoupler with different pulse programs, parameters to enhance quaternary carbons, and DEPT spectra. This is recommended for all NMR users. A sign-up sheet is posted in room 208 Havemeyer and demos are given when 4 to 5 people have signed-up.


This demonstration covers instructions for the 2D NOESY experiment and for the magnitude 2D COSY experiment. A sign-up sheet is posted in room 208 Havemeyer and demos are given when 4 to 5 people have signed-up.

500 Ascend Password

People who desire to be 500 Ascend users must first attend the COSY and NOESY demo and reproduce the results of that demo. Training on the 500 Ascend is by arrangement.


Demos for experiments such as HSQC, HMBC, TOCSY, kinetics, water-suppression, variable-temperature, T1 measurement, magnetization transfer, etc..., are given on an as-needed basis.  Contact John Decatur to arrange.